The Deep Dive!

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Hey everyone! As I get ready for a weekend of you guessed it, going to Breweries around Nashville, I thought it might be fun to talk about my plan. First, do I even a plan?

While I know generally where I plan to be going. The next step is. When I arrive, do I know in advance what I plan to drink? The answer is yes, no, and maybe. Here’s a confession. I am not methodical to the point of only sticking to (for example) an IPA, Irish Red, Lager or Brown Ale. Nope, for me, I like trying something new.

During Octoberfest season, I do tend to seek those out first and ask questions later. But generally, if they have flights, then put me in coach, I’m ready to play!

Another consideration. Am I drinking high octane beer? Generally, anything over 9% is probably getting a pass from me. Unless of course, I’m at home. Then bring it on!

I’ve been asked do I like going to the same places? Yes! Especially the ones that often have a different rotation of beer. Plus, here’s another confession. I’m a creature of habit! You give me some good beer and I’m most certainly coming back. I’m always up for going somewhere new and would love to hear your recommendations.

You can check out on our homepage, The Top Ten List of Beers we rated so far for 2023. Expect that list to be updated as we end the year.

Until then, cheers!

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