Yeast Infection Brew Works

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Believe it or not this place actually exists. It’s actually my home brewery that I do in the garage as a hobby in Nashville, TN. A group of my friends and I came up with this name while just joking around about different silly and inappropriate beer names and styles. There is more to come with this brewery on our website at Yeast Infection Brew Works (it exists but not ready yet) and I will post more beers that I brew on here as well as social media (below). You can also friend request me on Untapped, my username is stouron.

This particular beer shown in the photos below is a red ale that I brewed called ‘The Carpet Matches the Drapes’. Keep an eye out for future beers that I’ll be brewing as I have the ingredients to brew 2 more in the near future.

I have another site where I sell Home Beer Brewing Kits and brewing supplies and where the ingredients for all of the beers that Yeast Infection Brew Works brews. You can find it at: Home Beer Brewing Kits – Brew Your Own Beer at Home – We’re Here to Help You Find Your Perfect Home Beer Brewing Equipment and Recipes (

You can find Home Beer Brewing Kits on social media here:

You can find Yeast Infection Brew Works on social media here:

Feel free to reach out to me anytime about this website or Yeast Infection Brew Works.



9/6/23 – Quick update – I brewed this beer on 9/3/23 over the Labor Day weekend and it is currently fermenting and should take about 3 weeks since I’m lagering it. During that time, I will come up with a beer name and maybe make some labels. The caramel brown ale is up next.

9/19/23 – Just a quick update, I fermented this batch at around 50-55 degrees for 10 days and then brought it out to continue to ferment at room temperature for 4 more days, for a diacetyl rest, and now it’s back fermenting in the cooler 50–55-degree temperature. I plan on letting it ferment for at least another week – probably 2. Will check back in.

10/15/23 – I decided to bottle today as it was exactly 6 weeks since it was brewed. I plan on letting this carbonate for about 2 weeks and I’ll then I’ll test it to see how it came out. Hopefully it’s halfway decent. If it’s not, nobody will ever get to taste it. I’m mostly concerned about the temperature I laagered it at – it was in the 44–49-degree range after I gave it a diacetyl rest. I think that was due to the ambient temperature in the garage getting lower as the days got cooler.

My buddy Brian came over to help me bottle and that saved A LOT of time, especially in the washing and sanitizing of the bottles. Brian took the bottles to his house to store underneath it since it’s cooler under there and hopefully continue to laager and of course carbonate. The last bottle we filled was only about 3/4 of the way full so I’ll use that one to gauge it by in 2 weeks.

I did lose a little bit of volume in the garage as I left the valve of the spigot open when I was transferring back into that bucket for bottling. Overall, we yielded 40 total bottles with one of those being that 3/4 filled one. I figured I lost between 5-10 bottles worth. Ugh!

Anyway, I will report back in a couple of weeks to let you know how it’s coming along. Here are some pictures from today.

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